Born in Krems an der Donau, Austria

Lives and works in Salzburg, Austria

Studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna; Film and Television Department; Field of Studies: Camera; Diploma Film: „Schlaf” 1989

Master’s Thesis: “Die aktuelle Bildberichterstattung” (Contemporary Photojournalism)

20 years of work exclusively as an independent camerawoman with her own equipment

Camerawork for ORF (the Austrian national public service broadcaster) and for ATV‚ Cultural Highlights’

Camerawork for diverse workshops, Mediator for Awareness Training

Film: “Ilse, wo bist Du?” (Ilse, where are you?) 2010, camera and director

Initiated the project “Alzheimer’s – Hope for Family Members” with numerous film presentations and podium discussions

Book based on the movie “Ilse, wo bist Du?” published 2012

Since 2014, Art Photography: Auf Höhe der Wolken (Level with the Clouds), Zwischen Himmel und Erde (Between Heaven and Earth)

‘Golden Bobby’ for camerawork on the film “Schlaf”
‘Silver Dolphin’ in the Category Ethnology and Sociology at the Cannes Media & TV Awards for the film “Ilse, wo bist Du?”



